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Masterclasses & Workshops


Masterclasses & Workshops

- Festival Package: Participation in all competitions + all workshops 125,- Euro

- 1 Workshop: 45,- Euro

- Masterclass 30 minutes 45,- Euro 
- Masterclass 60 minutes 75,- Euro

Masterclasses with:

- Sanna van Elst

- Drora Bruck


- Workshops:

Workshop Medieval Music (with Drora Bruck)

Medieval music is one of the most exciting styles of music to play on a recorder. The medieval times had the recorder as one of the most important instruments and the music, played in historical style, is of astonishing beauty. The medieval recorder differed from the now better-known Renaissance and Baroque recorders by being made only in smaller sizes and by having a cylindrical bore which produced a reedier tone than that of its later counterparts. During this workshop focus will be on orchestrating monodies in historical style.

Ensemble Workshop Klezmer (with Duo NIHZ)

Duo NIHZ is known worldwide for interpreting Klezmer. Bobby Rootveld and Sanna van Elst lead workshops around the world with their arrangements of klezmer songs. You can expect melancholic and lively melodies combined with touching stories about the music during this workshop. Also this year Duo NIHZ will present some new Klezmer ensemble arrangements at the Nordhorn Recorder Festival.

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