
Soloplayers and ensembles in different categories can compete in the competition of Recorder Festival Nordhorn.
In every category there will be a first, second and third prize.
Prizes and categories of the competition:
Grand Prize:
For the best overall player, to be chosen by the jury:
A brand new Soprano Recorder Traum-Edition, Plum by Mollenhauer
Grand Second Prize:
For the second best overall player, to be chosen by the jury:
Coolsma Aura Conservatorium Model Sopranino Recorder, Palissander by Aafab
Special Adriana Breukink Memorial Prize:
For the participant who shows the most creative, innovative and original performance to be chosen by the jury:
500,- Euro
Special Jewish Music Prize:
For the best overall performance of a Jewish themed piece to be chosen by the jury.
This can be Jewish themed music and/or a Jewish composer:
A performance at a 'Gala of Jewish Music' concert at Recorder Festival Nordhorn 2026 or Nesjomme Festival for a set fee + a package of Jewish themed sheet music and cd's.
Category 1: Ensemble Competition
1st Prize: a concert during the next Recorder Festival Nordhorn + A package with ensemble sheet music.
Category 2: Open Category up from 15 years (only solo-players, accompaniment allowed)
1st Prize: A package with recorder cd’s and sheet music + 1 Masterclass for free at Recorder Festival Nordhorn 2025.
Category 3: Children up to 14 years (solo-players, accompaniment allowed)
1st Prize: A package with recorder cd’s and sheet music + 1 Masterclass for free at Recorder Festival Nordhorn 2025.
In every category there is also a 2nd and 3rd prize: A package with recorder cd’s and sheet music.
Participation Fee
Festival Package: Participation in all competitions + all workshops 125,- Euro a person
Participation in solo-competition only: 50,- Euro
Piano Accompaniment: 35,- Euro
Participation in ensemble competition only: 40,- Euro for each ensemble member
By entry every participant declares to agree with:
- the regulations of this competition
- the decisions of the jury
- the directions of the administration of the competition
1. The competition is organised by “Kulturhaus NIHZ”.
2. The management rests with the executive committee of this organisation and the administration of the competition.
3. Participation is open to recorder-players of all countries. Entry is possible in one of the following categories:
Category 1:
Ensembles. No age limit.
- Recorder consorts from 2 recorder players and up
- Mixed ensembles: duo's, trio's, quartets, quintets and above should have at least 1 recorder player
- Performing with a conductor is allowed
15 minutes, free choice of repertoire.
The competition is to be held on 15 & 16 February 2025
Category 2:
Open Category up from 15 years (only solo-players, accompaniment is allowed).
10 minutes, free choice of repertoire.
The competition is to be held on 15 & 16 February 2025
Category 3:
Amateurs up to 14 years (solo-players and ensembles, accompaniment is allowed)
10 minutes, free choice of repertoire.
This category is intended for solo-players up to 14 years old.
The competition is to be held on 15 & 16 February 2025
1. The competition consists of one round in each category.
2. The competition is to be held on 15 & 16 February 2025
3. Exceeding the time limits can lead to disqualification.
4. The order of performers during the competition will be determined by the administration of the competition.
5. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation.
6. There can be no discussion or correspondence about the jury’s judgment.
7. Each competitor is to announce the compositions (s)he will play himself (herself).
8. When registering as a competitor in every category you should state: composer(s), name of piece(s) and exact playing time. 9. The jury will strictly adhere to the maximum playing time allowed.
10. In each category the first, second and third place will get a prize.
11. The administration of the competition determines the maximum number of participating recorder players in each category and in the competition as a whole.
12. The competition is open to public.
13. Those whose entry has been accepted will be duly informed when they are to perform.
14. If a recorder player is not present in due time he will be excluded from further participation without remittance of the entrance-fee.
15. Deadline for application: the 10th of February 2025
16. The application form will not be registered until the registration fee has been received.
17. Only 50% of the registration fee will be refunded if a participant decides not to take part after all and cancels before the 10th of February 2025.
18. If a participant cancels participation after the 10th of February 2025 no registration fees will be refunded.
19. The administration of the competition can refuse an application.
20. In Category 2 and 3 accompaniment is allowed. A pianist or guitarist is available at extra costs. Please ask about this by e-mail before 1st of February 2025: bobbyrootveld@gmail.com
“Kulturhaus NIHZ” is entitled to make audio and visual recordings of the competition and arrange broadcasts and distribute without any remuneration to the recorder players concerned.
In any situation that is not covered by these regulations the administration of the competition decides.
Recorder Festival Nordhorn:
Members of the board:
Mr S.A. Rootveld
Ms S.M. van Elst