01.10.2024 - 16.11.2024
Förderverein Erinnerung mit Zukunft e.V.
Stichting Louis Ignatius Gall
The Guitar Festival Nordhorn (GFN) is an initiative of Kulturhaus NIHZ in Nordhorn, Germany, the enterprise of Bobby Rootveld and Sanna Rootveld-Van Elst.
The first Guitar Festival Nordhorn was held in 2011, in the same year of the establishment of Kulturhaus NIHZ, and now its 8th edition is due. A great achievement!
The book Feast on Six Strings, Five Years of Guitar Festival Nordhorn covers the first five years of this successful guitar festival and now has been published in an anniversary edition.
The book contains my reviews of the first five years of GFN as published by the DOS Amigos Homepage (http://www.dosamigos-homepage.nl) plus interviews with supporters, artists, participants of the professional and amateur competitions. Statistics and a list of participants over the years are included as well.
Highlights in the book are interviews with artists such as Roland Dyens, Alberto Mesirca and Sabrina Vlaskalic and competition winners such as Jacob Bangsø and Justyna Sobczak.
The sample of the book on this page gives an impression of the content.
You can order this book on the Registration page. It’s a special offer for festival participants, just 20 euros!
I’ll bring in the books at the next festival.
Mark de Gooijer
A sample of the book: